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Conservation Commission 02/12/13
Conservation Commission
February 12, 2013
Approved March 12, 2013

Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Chuck Crickman, Member; Bill Annable, Bob Stewart, Alternates;  Dick Wright, Ex-Officio.

Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:16 p.m.

There were no minutes to review.

Conservation Commission Membership
Ms. Holmes noted that she had a discussion with the Town Administrator about CC membership in the Lake Sunapee Protective Association (LSPA), The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests (SPNHF), and Ausbon Sargent. Ms. Holmes said CC’s membership in all three organizations will occur in the upcoming fiscal year following the Town Meeting.

There were no Intents to Cut to review.

There were no Buffer zone cuts to review.

There was general discussion regarding tree cutting along the shoreline, its impact on the health of the lake, and how best to protect against unauthorized tree cutting. Mr. Wright said shoreline residents have asked him about the regulations governing cutting down trees on their property and he has referred them to the state regulations for guidance. Mr. Stewart noted that Newbury is governed under the old point system regarding tree cutting along the shoreline which is more stringent than the state regulations.

Discussion followed regarding enforcing the town regulations on buffer zone cutting. It was noted that the Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for enforcing the town’s regulations in the area. There was significant discussion about whether or not the Conservation Commission (CC) is included in the oversight of not only the buffer zone cut applications but also the enforcement of same.

Ms. Holmes noted that it is the CC’s protocol that before and after pictures of all buffer zone cuts are included in the enforcement of the regulations and added that the CC has not received any photos of buffer zone cuts for review. Mr. Wright said he will check with the Code Enforcement Officer regarding including photos in the follow up enforcement of the town buffer zone cut regulations.

Mr. Wright added that the Code Enforcement Officer provides pictures and diagrams when an application is denied, adding that the Board of Selectmen (BOS) will provide feedback to the CC regarding the application denials if that would be helpful to the CC’s oversight efforts.

There was discussion about the possibility of sponsoring an event that would encourage shoreline residents to plant a tree if they cut down a dead or diseased tree. Mr. Stewart suggested contacting the NH state nursery in Boscawen for acquiring appropriate trees at a discounted price. Mr. Annable questioned why residents would want to plant trees when they are cutting them down to get a view. Mr. Stewart said the new trees would be different species that are better for locating along the shoreline than the trees being removed.    

General discussion followed regarding the ongoing need to educate the shoreline property owners on the benefits of keeping trees along the shoreline.

Ms. Holmes reviewed the following communications from the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES):

Minimum Impact Expedited Application
  • February 5, 2013, to Walter E. Goddard II Trust, P.O. Box 719, Sunapee, NH 03782, for property located at 49 Blodgett Landing road, Newbury, NH, Tax Map/Lot # 16A/272-392, a Request for More Information, File # 2013-00316.
Forestry Notification
  • January 18, 2013, to The Devondale Trust c/o William Weiler, P.O. Box 767, Bradford, NH 03221, for property in Newbury, Tax Map/Lot # 50/166-200, File # 2013-00130, a Complete Forestry Notification.

Legislative Update
Ms. Holmes discussed the NH Lakes Association 2013 Legislative Summary including HB 513 (Shoreland) and HB 393 (Water Quality). She encouraged the Commissioners to write letters to Representative Judith Spang containing their factual observations about the impact on the shoreline and water quality resulting from the respective bills.

Wild Goose Boat Launch
Ms. Holmes informed the CC that the appeal for the Wild Goose Boat Launch project has gone to the State Supreme Court where testimony on the size of the boat launch is being heard. She added that the question of how the state can overturn a town rule is under scrutiny.


Sunapee Hills Project
Ms. Holmes reviewed the fundraising efforts to date regarding the Sunapee Hills Project, stating that the CC has pledged $90,000 toward the project. A pledge is does not mean guaranteed funds. The project must be successful and the other fundraising avenues must be in place before the CC will hold a public hearing on its pledge. However, there remains a shortage of $41,950 in order to reach the project’s funding goal. Ms. Holmes suggested that the CC consider increasing its pledge amount by $20,000 to help offset the shortage.

Discussion followed regarding whether the CC would have enough money to cover the increased pledge and help with the Andrew Brook Trail Parking Lot project. It was concluded that there were enough funds to do both.

Mr. Stewart noted that this was an important project in terms of watershed protection since the area is one of the most important watersheds where the Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers converge.

Mr. Wright stated his abstention from voting. Ms. Holmes appointed Mr. Stewart as a voting member.

Mr. Annable made a motion to pledge to the Sunapee Hills Project an additional $20,000 for a total pledge amount of $110,000, subject to approval at a public hearing. Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. All in favor.

Andrew Brook Trail Parking Lot
The CC discussed the Andrew Brook Trail parking lot project and the need for a full erosion control plan for the project. Additionally, the Commissioners discussed the extent of CC’s involvement in the funding of the project and the timing of same.

Mr. Stewart made a motion that the Newbury Conservation Commission continue to support the project with the intent to pledge money once the Recreational Trail Program (RTP) grant is awarded. Mr. Wright seconded the motion. All in favor.

Mr. Stewart made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Crickman seconded the motion. All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Whittemore
Recording Secretary